Martes, Enero 19, 2016

Lesson 5- Preferences of Technology Generation


Some Basic Comparison Between Old and New Generation:

What Old Generation likes may not be the same as what the New Generation prefers in Life, Work and Leisure. 
Much of the good things enjoyed by elders when they were students are no longer available to the new generation. 
Vocational, Cultural and Values classes that are widely used by old generations during their time today, it is also available but it has been minimized due to the emphasis on the basics of English, Mathematics and Science

Text vs. Visual

Our parents read book text, enrich by illustrations and photos. In order to research, they go to the school library, use the card catalogue for needed books and sign up to borrow books for home reading. 

The technology or digital generation has greater affinity to visuals (photo and video) compared with texts. In fact, they have been exposed since childhood to cable television and videos images especially cartoon characters and then to compute images, in such manner and their visual fluency or abilities have sharpened and enriched. 

Linear vs. Hyper Media
The past-30 year old generation obtained information in a linear, logical and sequential manner. On the positive side, this made them more logical, focused and reflective thinkers.

The new generation, however, follows a personal random access to hyperlinked digital information, less superior elders in focused and reflection. Thus, they appear to be more easily bored and distracted during class lectures.

Independent vs. Social Learners
The traditional education system gives priority to independent learning, prior to participative work.

New learners, however, are already acquainted with digital tools that adapt to both personal and participative work. They take the opportunity for dozens of instantaneous ways to communicate with others mobile calls and text, emails, Facebook, YouTube, Myspace, twitter, wikis and etc. experts describe this mode of digital learning as one that based on experimentation, discovery and intuition. 

Learning to do vs. To pass the test

Old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests and complete the course requirement.

On the other hand, the new digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn. Our parents have completed a course and have engaged in a permanent job for most of their lives. A different work situation awaits the digital generation with contractual, multitask and multi-career opportunities in a digital world ahead of them. 

Delayed rewards vs. Instant gratification

The traditional reward system in education consists in the grades, honor certificates/medals and diplomas. Including future jobs, the traditional rewards for the performance.

On the other hand. Digital learners on their own experience or more immediate gratification through immediate scores from games, enjoyable conversation from web-cam calls, excitement from email chats and inviting comments from their Facebook accounts.

Rote memory vs. Fun learning
Teachers feel too obliged to delivering content-based courses, the learning of which is measurable by standard tests.

Digital learners and not surprisingly there is much fun in the digital world outside the school

Lesson 4- Bridging the Generation Gap

Bridging the Generation Gap

The older generation often feels a generation gap between them and the younger generation. This is apparent in simple things like the manner of dressing, socializing, more intimate relationships like friendship and marrying etc.  Even in education, traditional schooling has hardly changed even with the clear evidence of a digital world.

Generation Gaps



      Intimate relationships like friendship and marrying

            As we can observe, today is different from the past. We can see that there is really a generation gap. This gap may include the way of teaching, the materials being used in instruction and how the teachers use this instruction. Traditional schooling has hardly change even with the clear evidence of a digital world, but we can’t deny the fact that there are some traditional things that is difficult to improve and it takes time especially that when everybody is used it.


            A huge generation gap in the field of education also exist and it will continue to widen if it will not adapt the changes. It is understandable in the third world country that those schools which do not have technology facilities, the development or the transition of digital education may takes time. Because of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), there really a great to prepare for bridging the digital gap in the society. We need to understand some potentials of ICT and this is the new network of instantaneous communication is global, overcoming borders between countries and continents, much of what elders believe may not be applicable anymore to the new generation.

            According to Alvin Toffler’s book, Future Shock, it shows that information age has begun to create many cultural changes in the family and society as a whole. Much of the old technology such as tube radios, platter records and etc., are quickly vanishing today because of the rapid development or changes of technology.

            In this generation, expectation to face a future professional challenge, a digital world ahead of them, technology-supported skills need to be taught in schools today to cope up or lessen the generation gap. If the school will not adapt to the changes and needs, new learners may lose appreciation of educational system, they cannot cope up with the educational system and they will be left behind.


           I have this experience that our teacher in high school. She said that we don’t have the right to have a cellphone or use some gadgets because according to her we don’t have the work yet that support our loads and etc. She discourages us to use computers for research and we began to think what we are going to do. She usually preferred to use the traditional way of teaching without adapting the new technology. It is really boring because she keep on talking in front and sometimes we cannot visualize what she was talking about.


            As future teachers, we need to bridge the generation gap, need to and adapt the changes of Educational Technology so that our student will not lose their appreciation in educational system. We need the students to engage in technology so that they will not be left behind.    

Teachers need not to stick on the traditional way of teaching because we are now in a modern technology today and the way of teaching from the past is different. Teachers should consider that the students are very diverse also.


            If you will know and understand that there is a gap, that it will not be eradicated. When you meet some person who are more on to traditional. You will know how to handle or deal with it.

Watch this simple video clip about Bridging the Generation Gap.

Lesson 3- Understanding Technology Learners

Understanding Technology Learners

            Our teachers today generally use the traditional education program applicable to learners of the past, acquainted with linear, textual and sequential learning.  They fail to realize that the new generation of the 21st millennium is not the kind of learner that they were, but are information technology or digital learners.
The 21st century education is going to be empowered by digital learners pretty soon as the beginning is coming.

      53% ostudents use a smart phone and are connected and prefer the internet.
      78% of the students believe and prefer learning through technology
            Even in classes, their concentration is questionable as they are uneasy to simply sit and listen. They become alive again through video presentations, group activities and computer classes.
Information Technology learners ( Digital Learners ) – A video is presented in discussing the characteristics of a digital learner.
21ST Century Learning is done with :
  COLLABORATION  - Learning how to work with others to achieve a common purpose. Students bring gadgets with them as well as presenting the knowledge the knowledge and abilities they have to come up with a product/solution.

      Communication- Students use their mobile devices to discuss content they are learning with others, set goals for themselves, and share new concepts. The lines of communication now become multi-directional and extend beyond the classroom.

      Critical Thinking- helps to construct a firm foundation for personalized learning. In many classrooms, teachers don’t provide the time necessary for critical thinking in order to develop original solutions to problems. Many of the problems that are provided to students also have only one possible right or wrong answer and don’t encourage true critical thinking.
When students are given the opportunity to utilize all of the resources available within a classroom to solve problems, they can be challenged to personally connect to their learning and construct new understanding.

      Creativity- Students make use of their imagination as well as technologies to create new things. To think beyond things.

Lunes, Enero 18, 2016

Lesson 2- Overview of Education Technology

Lesson 2 Overview of Education Technology 2

Educational Technology 2
                     - concerned with "Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning."

      For Learners:
                  -To introduce reinforce, supplement and extend knowledge and skills so that they can  become exemplary users educational technology.
       For Students,Teachers and professional Teachers:
                     -To update their knowledge of educational technology

       Educational Technology 2
      - involved a deeper understanding of the computer as well as hands on application of computer skills.
     -Aims to infuse technology in the students, teachers  training, helping hem to adapt and meet rapid and continuing technological changes, particularly in the global ICT environment.
   -Used information technology to improve instruction but the school management program and curriculum.

       Learning of Objectives of Ed. Tech 2
  1. To provide education in the use of technology in instruction.
  2. To impart learning experiences in instructional technology supported instructional planning.
  3. To acquaint students on IT related learning theories with the computer as tutor.
  4. To learn to use and evaluate computer based on educational resources./
  5. To engage learners on practical technology integration issues.
  6. To inculcate higher level thinking and creativity among students while providing them knowledge of related learning theories.

Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in instructions.

Manifestations of Technology integration Into instruction.
  1. There's a change in a way classes are traditionally conducted
  2. The quality instruction is improved t a higher level in such a way good not have been achieved without educational technology.
  3. There is planning by teacher on the process of determining On how and when educational fits into teaching and learning.
  4. The teacher sets instructional strategies to address specific instructional issues/ problems.
  5. The use of technology provides the opening of opportunities to respond to these instructional issues/ problems.
  6. Technology occupies a position in the instructional process.
Level of Integration
  1. Simple / basic Integration- Technology helps but it does not play pivotal role.
  2. Middle level Integration- There is purposeful use of technology to support key learning areas.
  3. High Level Integration -Technology is the Central instruction tool/ center of teaching learning process.

Lesson 1- Review of Education Technology



Educational Technology 1

is the application of technology in the educative process that takes place in education institutions.

4 Phases of application of educational technology in teaching and learning.
1. Setting of learning objectives 2. Designing specific learning experiences 3. Evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences 4. Revising teaching-learning process for improving future instructional activities

Technology in Education
is the application of technology in the operational of education institutions.

Instructional Technology
is refers to aspects of educational technology that are concerned with instructions.
Technology Integration 
is using learning technologies to introduce supplement and extend skills.

Roles of Technology in Learning 

Technology as tools to support knowledge construction.
Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge. 
Technology as context to support learning by doing.
Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing.
Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting. 

Learning Objectives of Education Technology 
1. To orient the learner of educational technology in society. 2. To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as media for teaching-learning process. 3. To uplift the learner to human learning through the use of learning technology. 4. To impart skills in planning,designing, using and evaluating the technology enriched. 5. To acquaint learners on basic aspects of community educations. 6. To introduce the learner to what it recognized as the third revolution, the computer.